Online Certificate in
Women's Exercise Training and Wellness
Women's Exercise Training and Wellness
The program is offered in partnership with the Women's Health Foundation, Healthy Moms Fitness, and the National Posture Institute.
This program is offered in an open enrollment format, meaning you can register at
anytime and once logged in, you have 8 weeks to complete the course(s) you
registered for.
Click here to review a detailed Certificate Program Fact Sheet.
Click here for a list of CECs/CEUs.
Certificate Course Descriptions
Course 1: Female Anatomy and Physiology
Instructor: Jasmine Jafferali, MPH, ACE-CPT
This course is designed for students to gain an understanding of the musculoskeletal and functional anatomy of the female pelvis, including the reproductive system, the hormonal/endocrine system and key muscles of the Pelvic Pyramid™. Emphasis is placed on joint range of motion (ROM), bone density, hip stability, mobility and the pelvic floor muscles (PFM).
Course 2: Designing Women’s Exercise Programs
Instructor: Jasmine Jafferali, MPH, ACE-CPT
This course teaches students how to establish exercise programs/prescriptions, exercise-related goals and objectives, appropriate training modifications, and program evaluation strategies. Additional topics include specifically designing exercise programs based on ACSM guidelines implementing resistance/weight training techniques, flexibility/stretching training, and cardiovascular/aerobic/weight loss plans incorporating the use of walking, running, and commercial cardiovascular machine (treadmills, elliptical trainers, stationary/recumbent bikes, etc.) programs.
Course 3: Women’s Health and Wellness for Special Populations
Instructor: Jasmine Jafferali, MPH, ACE-CPT
This course teaches students a more in depth look at different health considerations women face at different stages of their lives and how to appropriately adapt exercise and wellness programs to meet their needs. Topics of interest include the “Female Athlete Triad”, pre and postpartum fitness, women with pelvic floor dysfunctions, osteoporosis, menopause, autoimmune disorders, and breast, ovary, and uterine cancers. Students will gain an understanding of how to design exercise programs for these special populations.
Course 4: Medically-Based Fitness Management and Administration
Instructor: Jasmine Jafferali, MPH, ACE-CPT
This course provides the health/medical and fitness professionals a solid background in understanding key terminology in medicine, health promotion, and fitness. Topics include understanding the roles of medical and fitness professionals, developing a medically-based fitness model, key terms in healthcare administration, interacting with medical professionals, and privacy issues and authorization forms for health and fitness professionals.