Online Certificate in
Functional Nutrition

Approved by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics/CDR
for 60 CPEUs & ACSM 40 CECs & more

Register for this Certificate Here!

The Online OPEN ENROLLMENT Professional Certificate in Functional Nutritionhas been designed to meet the growing demand for Registered Dietitians, DTRs, personal trainers, athletic trainers, allied health/medical and fitness professionals and the general public who would like to obtain the latest roadmap on selecting the best functional nutrients and super foods. This comprehensive Web-based Certificate program provides an in-depth examination of contemporary nutrition topics designed to inform individuals about the latest research on eating super foods, organically, and genetically modified foods. Additional topics include shopping for functional foods successfully, environmental nutrition issues, and educating you on eating earth-friendly food sources

This program is offered in an open enrollment format, meaning you can register at
anytime and once logged in, you have 8 weeks to complete the course(s) you
registered for

Click here to review a detailed Certificate Program Fact Sheet.
Click here
for alist of CECs/CEUs.

Certificate Course Descriptions                                                                   

Course 1:  Smart Nutrition:  Healthy Eating for all Generations
Instructor:  Melissa Halas-Liang, RD, MA, CDE
This course is based on current and peer reviewed research that will provide professionals and nonprofessionals alike an easy to use roadmap for improving eating habits. Topics covered will include: exploring genetics, eating attitudes, food and fitness behaviors, and environmental and practical tips for making positive and fun dietary changes! In addition, there will be a focus on achieving and maintaining a healthy productive life for individuals and families at all ages. You will learn to use available resources and tools, including reputable free web-based programs to guide you

Course 2:  Advanced Nutrition:  Super Foods for the Family
Instructor:  Melissa Halas-Liang, RD, MA, CDE
This course presents details on the science behind super foods, revealing how food can increase your overall performance. By completing this course, you will learn how to shop for the best foods; understand which foods to avoid; the science behind organic foods; and the best super foods to buy on a budget. Based on the latest research, this course covers the legitimate effect food has on performance, colds/flus, chronic disease, memory loss, cancer, and a lot more as well as the antibacterial and home remedy properties of super foods. In addition, the latest food and health trends are covered, helping you to sort fact from fiction.